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This is a simple and profound truth: we are not alone in the Universe.

Let me assure you of a simple, but profound and mysterious truth. You are not alone in the Universe. Far from it. Across the infinity that is time-space, there are many, many intelligent species, and species of intelligence, that have been, will be, and are in the process of being.

You are not alone.

This I assure you, from a depth of knowing that comes from what some of you might call an "extra-terrestrial" intelligence. And it is true that I am that. "Extra-terrestrial," just means from "beyond-earth" and the intelligence from whence come my words is not just extra-terrestrial, but extra-galactic – these words have travelled across space-time to reach you from beyond the galaxy that you are currently inhabiting.

Like many of us – most of us? all of us? – I am a multi-dimensional avatar. And now that the changing times are upon us, we are in the process of re-awakening to our true natures – mine is as a wisdom keeper.

This is a piece of what I remember: Across time and space there are and have been and will be a number of civilizations – as many as the grains of sand, or stars visible in the night sky – 

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